My Interesting Dream

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Taqresu650's avatar
    I had a dream a couple of nights ago that I recorded in a notebook, but I would like to see what any of you think of my dream. You don't have to know how to interpret dreams to comment on mine. And I feel that I need to express my dream in some way besides my notebook. Especially since I can't help but think about this dream. I am recording as many details as I can for this dream.

    I was a boy between the ages of 10 and 15, and I was moving into a Romanesque city. Each of the buildings had some kind of Romanesque quality like a rounded arch. The buildings mostly had warm colors from an orange-ish hue to a cinnamon red. It was also a city set along the coast-line. There was a small volcano island about a mile or so off shore, and the land gradually grew in elevation the farther from the coast it went. Docks were set along the beach, and the more expensive buildings were higher up in elevation (mansions, schools, and other buildings of the like). Apart from a few exceptions, I've rarely seen any modern elements. It was also more like a quiet town than a city with rushing people.
    The house I moved into was between the center of the city and the coast. During the course of the dream it was mostly empty since I just moved in. It looked like all the other houses, but it wasn't a suburb style neighborhood. I think I had to go to a school near the higher elevations, but I don't remember if that was truly a part of this dream or an earlier one. I quickly made friends among the other children in my neighborhood, but I don't remember what my family (my dream family, not my real family) looked like, or what they did in my dream. I also remember having a mentor, who was a gentle old man. He taught me many things about the town, and the special things that went on there.
    Speaking of which, There was something special about this town, or the world this town was set in. Everyone had these creature companions that were very similar to Pokemon. Except they were all made of crystals and weren't carried in anything like Pokeballs. They remained at your side the entire time, and they lived on crystals. I think you needed to feed them with crystals as well. Also, much like Pokemon, you could battle with them, or have tournaments with them. I think you could upgrade or evolve your creatures through the crystals as well. They had a specific name that applied for all of them, but I can't remember. I think it was "Sky... something," and even in the dream, I often got the name mixed up with Skylanders. In the very beginning of my dream, either before or after I moved, I received my very first creature.
    My creature was either a phoenix or a fire dragon, I can't remember which, but I think it could be the later. He (or she, but it was more likely a he) was red, and about as large as a full grown house cat. I made a special bond with the creature and treated him very well. I rarely used him for battles, and he stayed with me everywhere I went. I learned more about him and the rest of the creatures from my mentor (and school, if I am correct in going to school in my dream). I don't think anyone knew where these creatures came from, but their power bordered on magic. The key to their biology and power remained in the crystals they were made of. But they were so common and accepted that everyone had at least one (unless the rare few chose not to have one as a companion). One of my friends had one that looked like a boar.
    With my friends and creature, I explored the city multiple times (it's why I remember it so well). I had a lot of free time in my dream, and more often than not, I would just explore the city with just my creature. At some point I encountered an older kid, who I think ended up as my rival, but not the kind of rival Ash has in Pokemon (or the player in the Pokemon games). He lived in a mansion in the high elevations of the city. He started out as a friendly kid, that just got a darker personality for some strange reason. He was more experience in battling with these creatures. I remember when I faced him in battle he nearly killed my creature, as in almost permanently. That's something I forgot to mention. The closer our creatures got to death, the more crystal-like they become. They diminish in size and complexity until they are only a tiny crystal with no powers or abilities.
    When my "rival" almost killed my creature, all that was left was a crystal in the shape of my creature that you could fit in the palm of your hand. I think he mentioned having a "Master" that he obeyed. I ran before the kid would finish the job, and I put my reduced creature in my backpack. I was told that my creature would only regenerate to its old self over the course of time. The battle also started the dark turn in my dream. At that time, the weather got darker, and crystals started falling from the sky like meteors. The dream gets stranger still when the crystals impacted on a person. When the crystal hit the skin of a person, it started turning those people into the creatures we kept as companions. I don't remember if they had any effect of most of the creatures around. I remember seeing a person being hit with a pure white crystal and started growing crystal wings. I've had weirder dreams, but this was still one of the weirdest scenes I've seen in my dreams. I wasn't hit with any crystals myself though.
    During the crystal rain, I ran straight home. But as I was running and witnessing people being transformed, I also noticed the volcano island was starting to erupt. But instead of magma, it erupted hot crystals of the kind used to power the creatures. I also remember passing by a bank or some other building with an electric sign (the kind that scrolls messages from one side to the other). But here it was showing a conversation between my rival and his "master." I can't quite remember what was said, but I think the master was telling his pupil to seek the "Firestone." I didn't know what they were talking about, but it wasn't long before I returned home.
    When I did, I was quite surprised to find out my old mentor was the "master" figure teaching my rival. I don't remember exactly what he told me, but it seemed that he either caused or foretold of the raining crystals, and that they would mark something new for the world. And that he needed the Firestone for his plans. I think the Firestone had something to do with my creature specifically. My friend with the boar creature heard this all as well and supported me. He even wanted to fight on my behave because my creature was still almost completely crystal. But then my creature got out of my backpack, still crystalized. He somehow powered himself up and became a humanoid version of himself (either dragon or phoenix, I still don't remember). My creature was about to initiate battle with my old "mentor," when my alarm woke me up.

    Even typing my dream out, it sounds crazy, but I'm trying to make sense of what went on. And like I said earlier, this is not the weirdest dream I've had (although it ranks high on that scale). My dream is at least interesting enough, that I would like to know more about it if I could.
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elfingdragon's avatar
Hmmm, as with other who've already commented...You're dream sounds like a mix of Pokemon, Digimon and Yugioh. But with the crystal rain I see aspects of Anne McCaffrey's Pern book series. The noted exception of crystal raining from the sky and not deadly thread. 

Definitely explore the crystal aspect if you plan to write a story or book based on your dream. I think something could be noted on the fact people were changing into the creatures you/others were becoming companions with when any crystals fell on them. Perhaps this is the reason kept the think behind locked doors.